Tag Archives: being thrifty

End Review: How to Read Like A Writer

This review will be short.

Because I didn’t finish the book.

This is my failure, not Prose’s – I’m currently spending most of my spare time looking for jobs and resume writing, so her book was a little too high brow for my current reading needs.  I would still like to read it, but it will probably be when my life is a little more settled (so, probably around December).

For the next few months, I’ll focus on reading fiction and lighter non-fiction, mostly because my real life is altogether too real and overwhelming and I’ll need some escapism.

With that all said, I’d like to take a moment to get up on my soap box and say this is a perfect example of why the library is awesome.  Had I bought this book, I’d have more or less thrown my money away and the book would be sitting on my shelf collecting dust until I was ready to read it.  With the library, I spent no money and the book is available for others to read until I get around to trying to read it again.

Who can argue with that?